eC-messenger XML Interfaces

$Revision: 1.6 $

Common Definitions

Separate definitions used trougout other schemas.

User import definitions

User information contains the email address (identifier) and additional information, used for personalisation, individualisation, etc. This definition is now a subset of ecm-1_0.xsd. Please refer to the <userdata> element defined in that file and use the "" namespace in the 'xmlns' attribute of your xml files.

eC-messenger asynchronous API

eC-messenger's asynchronous API enables the external control of the majority of functionalities and settings.
This schema describes the SOAP API
This schema describes the messages that can be received or sent by the asynch. eCMessenger API
Types used everywhere within eCMessenger

Campaign Definitions

A campaign is a complete description of an email delivery job, starting from address import until the return of statistics and tracking information. Campaign information is exchanged asynchronous, typically starting with a setup (campaign.xsd) and continuing with a set of reports.
The current schema definition, to be used in place of the older DTD.
The old DTD definition, definitely not recommended.
Confirmation of a campaign, delivered on succesful campaign setup
Error notification of a campaign, delivered on errorneous campaign setup
This report describes the send out (speed, statistics etc.
Summarizes the current status of the campaign (replies, tracking statistic etc). May be huge, since tracking may be contained.
Contains the reply emails as zip-packed file.